Life can be stressful.
Take a deeeeeep breath.
(Don't forget to exhale.)
Repeat three times.
Supplemental Resources
Supplemental Literature
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson
Love Sense by Sue Johnson
Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend
Uncovering your Creativity
The Artists Way by Julia Cameron
Dealing with OCD
The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD by John Hershfield
Dealing with Sexual Addiction
Facing the Shadows by Patrick Carnes
Healthy Communication Skills
Non-Violent Communication by Rosenberg
Highly Sensitive People
The Highly Sensitive Person by Dr. Elaine Aron

How to Meditate

Here's a podcast that explains Somatic Therapy really well: CLICK HERE
The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown